The Ferry North - Picton to Wellington

The Ferry North - Picton to Wellington

5 February 2020

As we boarded the early morning ferry at Picton we waved goodbye to the South Island.

We had been fortunate not to have to experience the extremes of weather that it was now enduring.

It was bright day when we left the dock in Picton, but as we neared the end of the sound it became overcast and the wind picked up.

Once into the Cook Strait the boat and its occupants felt the effects of a +3m swell. A lot of people were reacquainted with their breakfasts!

Fortunately on this occasion neither myself or Jennifer felt particularly bad on this crossing.

As we entered the bay at Wellington the sun re-emerged as the ferry slowly made its way to the dock.

We rode the short journey to our accommodation that overlooked the bay.

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